Jurnal Civil Engineering Study 2024-04-07T05:04:46+07:00 Yayan Adi Saputro Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Civil Engineering Study was published for the first time in 2021 with a mission as a pioneer in the scientific research publication of Civil Engineering in Indonesia. As a national media, Jurnal Civil Engineering Study is expected to accommodate the need for a media to disseminate information and latest publication for researchers and practitioners of Civil Engineering in Indonesia.&nbsp; With this achievement, Jurnal Civil Engineering Study has been established as a media with high quality. Until now the Jurnal Civil Engineering Study still an process to maintain its quality scientific publishing only the latest research results in the domain of Civil Engineering.</p> STRUCTURAL PLANNING OF 4 FLOOR BULDING OFFICE OF HIGH PROSECUTORS, CENTRAL JAVA 2024-04-03T14:54:30+07:00 Dicky Alga Saputra Purwanto Trias Widorini Ngudi Hari Crista Gama Aji Krisno <p><strong><em>Structural Planning of a building construction is needed to get the most effective and efficient dimensions and configuration of the structure. Planning of a building structure located in a prone area must be planned according to standards, strong, and earthquake safe. Structural Planning of a 4 - Story Building for the Central Java Attorney General's Office, referring to the Structural Concrete Requirements to refer to Buildings and Non-Buildings (Indonesian National Standard 03-1726-2019) and Minimum Loads for Designing Buildings and Other Structures (Indonesian National Standard 03-1727-2013).</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>The planning of the 4-story building structure of the Central Java Prosecutor's Office includes the planning of the upper and lower structures. Planning the upper structure using SAP 2000 V14.2.2, while the lower structure is planned manually. The upper structure includes the planning of the roof, beams, columns, and floor plates of the building, while the lower structure includes the planning of the foundation. Loads that are reviewed for the design of structural elements are dead load, live load, and earthquake load. Earthquake load entered is dynamic earthquake load.</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Structural Planning of a building construction is needed to get the most effective and efficient dimensions and configuration of the structure. Planning of a building structure located in a prone area must be planned according to standards, strong, and earthquake safe. Structural Planning of a 4 - Story Building for the Central Java Attorney General's Office, referring to the Structural Concrete Requirements to refer to Buildings and Non-Buildings (Indonesian National Standard 03-1726-2019) and Minimum Loads for Designing Buildings and Other Structures (Indonesian National Standard 03-1727-2013).</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>The planning of the 4-story building structure of the Central Java Prosecutor's Office includes the planning of the upper and lower structures. Planning the upper structure using SAP 2000 V14.2.2, while the lower structure is planned manually. The upper structure includes the planning of the roof, beams, columns, and floor plates of the building, while the lower structure includes the planning of the foundation. Loads that are reviewed for the design of structural elements are dead load, live load, and earthquake load. Earthquake load entered is dynamic earthquake load.</em></strong></p> 2024-03-31T04:51:06+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Civil Engineering Study TIME CONTROL AND RESCHEDULING USING METHOD CPM (CRITICAL PATH METHOD) 2024-04-03T14:52:18+07:00 Almuntofa Purwantoro Attie Wawey Lagi To’unni Subrata Aditama K.A. Uda <p><em>In some development projects, finishing the work inside a restricted time is normal. This can never again be kept away from after the utilization of labor with is presently not equally. CPM (Critical Path Method) is a critical path the that intends to decide project arranging and time estimates that are deterministic/positive. Poin of investigation utilizing this method is to decide the time and cost of the undertaking and figure out what activities are remembered for the fundamental activities. Project arranging helps show the relationship of every development to various activities and normal assignments, recognizes which connections ought to come first among activities, and shows pragmatic time measures for each activity. Time control made no difference and the rescheduling results acquired for Development project the CPM (Critical Path Method) strategy were gotten in 300 days as per the underlying term of work.</em></p> 2024-04-01T10:12:26+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Civil Engineering Study CLEAN WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS USING SPSS (HIPPAM SEJAHTERA CASE STUDY, BAKUNG VILLAGE, KANOR DISTRICT, BOJONEGORO REGENCY) 2024-04-03T14:49:55+07:00 Mushthofa Mushthofa Siti Rohmatul Munawaroh Yulia Indriani Nasyiin Faqih Fatchur Roehman Dian Chandrasasi Nastain <p>Water is needed for various purposes, including human consumption, agriculture, industry, and hygiene. Protection and wise management of water resources is very necessary to ensure the availability of sufficient clean water for everyone. Services for clean water needs in Bakung Village are managed by the Drinking Water Users Population Association (HIPPAM), which currently numbers approximately +- 968 house connections (SR), and a reservoir capacity of 18</p> 2024-04-02T08:55:17+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Civil Engineering Study ANALYSIS OF THE NEED FOR HORIZONTAL ABSORPTION PIPE DUE TO CHANGES IN LAND USE IN THE LUTUNG RIVER FLOW AREA 2024-04-05T11:13:47+07:00 Cindy Salsabila Alfira Setyowati Edy Susilo Diah Setyati Budiningrum <p>Perubahan tataguna lahan yang memberikan dampak langsung terhadap peningkatan aliran permukaan dan menurunnya peresapan air ke dalam tanah, yang berakibat banjir dan kurangnya air tanah. Pengembalian air ke dalam tanah dengan cara biopori bisa juga menggunakan metode sumur resapan dan pipa resapan horisontal. Analisa kebutuhan pipa resapan horisontal menggunakan dua metode yaitu metode Hidrograf dan metode Rasional. Dengan menggunakan pipa horisontal dinding berlubang panjang 4 m akan menggunakan pipa diameter 6". Debit banjir yang dipasang adalah debit banjir hidrograf dengan metode Gama I. Debit banjir periode ulang 50 tahun adalah Debit tahun 2007 = 11,43 m³/detik, Debit tahun 2023 sebelum dipasang PRH = 15,36 m³/detik, Debit tahun 2023 setelah dipasang PRH = 11,31 m³/detik. Analisa reduksi banjir yang digunakan adalah reduksi banjir hidrograf dengan metode Gama I sebesar 8,55 m³/detik, dan dibutuhkan pipa resapan horisontal sebanyak 1650 unit</p> 2024-04-02T09:12:43+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Civil Engineering Study THE USE OF COCONUT COIR FIBER AS AN ADDITIVE IN STONE MATRIX ASPHALT (SMA) MIXES – COARSE 2024-04-02T09:24:13+07:00 Iqbal Firdany Anwar Desriantomy Salonten Almuntofa Purwantoro <p><strong><em>Advances in technology and science are anticipated to deal with the constraints associated with increasing the amount and quality of road construction, as well as road maintenance. Therefore, a construction technology for highway pavement layers that has been successfully developed in Germany since the 1960s, known as SMA S (Split Mastic Asphalt / Stone Matrix Asphalt with added Cellulose). This study was conducted with the aim of knowing the effect on the use of coconut fiber as a cellulose fiber additive in SMA (Split Mastic Asphalt / Stone Matrix Asphalt) type SMA mixtures. Determine the value of the Optimum Coconut Fiber Addition Rate and the value of the Marshall characteristics of the Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) mixture - Coarse using ex aggregate. Merak with varying levels of 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4%, and 0.5% The results of the research on the durability parameters of the Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) - Coarse mixture using the immersion test characteristic method for the Optimum Coconut Fiber Addition Level, the stability value decreases when it has been through immersion for 24 hours.</em></strong></p> 2024-04-02T09:24:13+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Civil Engineering Study ANALYSIS OF THE QUALITY OF FABA (FLY ASH BOTTOM ASH) BASED CONCRETE AS AN FINE AGGREGATE SUBSTITUTE WITH REFERENCE TO MIXTURE PROPORTION IN WORK UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS 2024-04-05T07:27:51+07:00 Nur Aini Widya Samawi Yayan Adi Saputro Nor Hidayati <p>In this research, the author used FABA (Fly Ash Bottom Ash) waste as an alternative to fine aggregate. This research can determine the physical properties of faba aggregate with the results of sieve analysis testing of faba aggregate which has a fineness modulus value of 2.34 which is included in the medium fine aggregate type. Testing for water content in faba fine aggregate in SSD conditions was 3.09%. Faba fine aggregate sludge content is 0%. Testing the organic substances on the faba fine aggregate showed that the NaOH color was reddish brown, because it needed to be washed first before being used as a concrete mixture. The face dry specific gravity of faba fine aggregate is 2.2 gr/cm2. Therefore, faba aggregate can be used as a substitute for sand because it has physical properties that meet the requirements as fine aggregate. Results The final compressive strength of faba concrete and normal concrete as a control at the age of 7 days and 28 days has reached the planned quality, but the compressive strength at normal concrete (control) is higher than faba concrete. With the results of the standard deviation values ​​at 7 days and 28 days, it is included in perfect workmanship condition because it has a standard deviation value of less than 3 MPa. The results of the concrete flexural strength test were only normal K300 concrete with a flexural strength of 4.60 MPa, which complies with SNI 2847:2013, namely producing a minimum flexural strength of fs = 4.4 MPa. Normal concrete has a much higher flexural strength than faba concrete, and the higher the quality of the planned concrete, the greater the resulting flexural strength of the concrete.</p> 2024-04-05T07:27:50+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Civil Engineering Study ANALYSIS OF TRAFFIC IMPACT DUE TO THE RELOCATION OF THE ANIMAL MARKET IN BANGSRI, JEPARA REGENCY 2024-04-05T07:36:50+07:00 saqifah hilmatunniyah Khotibul Umam Yayan Adi saputro <p>This analysis is motivated by the relocation of the bangsri animal market which began operating on August 25, 2022 this causes an increase in traffic load and because the market is a new place in terms of parking there are still problems such as irregularity in parking vehicles. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the traffic impact due to the relocation of the bangsri animal market, after the analysis is carried out, the capacity of the bangsri 4-signaled intersection with the highest approach is the western approach of 830.55 smp with the highest degree of saturation on the northern approach of 0.68 and the highest delay occurs on the northern approach of 30.4 sec /mp with category D. At the intersection 3 unsignalized jerukwangi the capacity of the intersection is 1231 smp and the level of service is 0.41 with category B. analysis using Vissim Software is carried out at intersection 4 signaled bangsri output level of service is LOS D and intersection 3 unsignalized output level of service is LOS A Parking space requirements at the bangsri animal market that must be provided for motorcycles 99 SPR, light vehicles 94 SPR, and heavy vehicles 22 SPR.</p> 2024-04-05T07:36:49+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Civil Engineering Study SPAL and IPAL Development Planning for Environmental Quality Improvement in the Crab Industry in Bulu Village 2024-04-07T05:04:46+07:00 Agum Wahyu Prasetya Decky Rochmanto Nor Hidayati <p>Waste in the Rajungan Industry, Bulu Village, Jepara Regency cannot be</p> <p>managed properly because this industry does not yet have SPAL and IPAL.</p> <p>Liquid waste resulting from industrial processing is channeled directly into</p> <p>the sea, causing marine pollution. The planning objective of this final</p> <p>assignment is to determine the design of the SPAL and IPAL as well as the</p> <p>RAB needed in the planned SPAL and IPAL construction work in the Bulu</p> <p>Village crab industry. The results of this technical research show that the</p> <p>average amount of waste water produced during the processing process per day</p> <p>is 0.51 m3/day or 507.5 liters/day or 0.02 m3/hour. The appropriate processing</p> <p>system to be applied in the crab industry is using an anaerobic filter system</p> <p>with five processing units, namely oil and fat separation tank, equalization</p> <p>tank, initial settling tank, anaerobic filter and final settling tank. Based on the</p> <p>calculation of the total planning costs for SPAL and IPAL KUB. The Blessing</p> <p>of Samudra Rajungan Jepara in Bulu Village is IDR. 56,500,000.</p> 2024-04-05T07:45:40+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Civil Engineering Study PLANNING FOR RETAINING WALLS ON THE TANJUNG PAKIS AJI JEPARA VILLAGE ROAD 2024-04-05T08:40:14+07:00 Nur Laili Faizah Khotibul Umam Decky Rochmanto <p>Retaining walls are a ground control technique that is very necessary to overcome landslides. As happened in the Tanjung Pakis Aji village area. It has steep slopes and there are indications that landslides often occur during the rainy season. The soil parameters that need to be known to plan soil retention walls for testing include specific gravity (Gs); 2.65 kN/m2, void number (e); 33.9, porosity 97.14, shear angle φ ; 29.71 ˚, soil cohesion (c) 24.5 kN/m2, dry soil volume weight (yd ) ; 1.18 kN/m3, wet soil volume weight (yb); 1.87 kN/m3, air content (Wn); 15.29%. Dimensional calculations, stability control, reinforcement of retaining walls are very important in planning retaining walls. The aim of this research is to plan a retaining wall at this location using a cantilever type retaining wall. The results show that the cantilever type retaining wall with dimensions H = 7 m, B = 3 m, T = 0.4 m, Tt and Th = 0.5, Lt = 1, Lh = 1.m, the cantilever is declared safe for the condition of the soil with a safety factor value of Fgs = 4.061 (safe), Fgl = 2.57 (safe), F carrying capacity = 6.62 (safe). From these calculations, reinforcement of types D19-250, D19-200, D19-200 can be obtained, with shrinkage reinforcement D13-100, D13-200.</p> 2024-04-05T07:54:08+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Civil Engineering Study ANALISIS PENINGKATAN PERKERASAN LENTUR KE PERKERASAN KAKU PADA RUAS JALAN BUARAN - BENDANPETE STA 0+00 - 1+700 JEPARA JAWA TENGAH . 2024-04-05T08:15:57+07:00 Afif Junaidhi Yayan Adi Saputro Nor Hidayati <p><em>Afif Junaidhi, Nim 191230000357, Analysis of the improvement of flexible pavement to rigid pavement on the buaran - bendanpete sta 0+00 - 1+700 jepara central java road 2023., Yayan Adi Saputro, S.T., M.T., Nor Hidayati, S.T., M.T., Civil Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology1, Nahdlatul Ulama University1 Jepara1. With roads, everyone can increase their mobility while fulfilling important activities. As time goes by and the length of service lasts, road conditions eventually decline, both in terms of service level and structural condition. The method used for analysis of rigid pavement on roads is the 2017 Pavement Design Manual1 Method and the method used for planning road surface drainage dimensions refers to SNI 03-3424-1994 concerning Procedures for Road Surface Drainage Planning. The results of rigid pavement planning research calculations using the 2017 Pavement Design Manual method resulted in a concrete plate thickness of 275 mm, a thin concrete layer1 (LMC) of 100 mm, a class A aggregate drainage layer of 150 mm. Connections in rigid pavement are divided into two, namely longitudinal connections with tie bars using Ø 161- 6001 threads, and transverse connections with dowels using plain reinforcement D 32 - 300. The material used is planned to use concrete. The calculation results obtained are that the channel base width is 65 cm, the wet channel height is 35 cm, and the guard height is 40 cm</em></p> 2024-04-05T08:15:57+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Civil Engineering Study FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE SERVICE PROVIDERS TO PARTICIPATE IN CONSTRUCTION WORK TENDERS IN THE CITY OF PALANGKA RAYA 2024-04-05T11:01:54+07:00 Larasati Dewantoro Waluyo Nuswantoro <p>In the development of Central Kalimantan, the construction sector plays a strategically significant role in providing infrastructure. In 2022, there were 2,082 registered construction companies, with 27.19% of them located in Palangka Raya City. According to data obtained from the Electronic Procurement Service (LPSE) of the Palangkaraya City Government, a total of 155 construction service procurement packages were tendered in 2023. The realization of the participation level of construction job providers and consulting services experienced a decrease compared to 2022. Data collection was conducted through questionnaire distribution and literature review. This research employed the Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) method for data analysis using SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results of the analysis show that the characteristics of the company, project characteristics, project documents, tender conditions, and economic conditions significantly influence and contribute greatly to influencing service providers to participate in construction job tenders.</p> 2024-04-05T08:30:21+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Civil Engineering Study CHOICE OF MODE OF TRANSPORTATION 2024-04-05T10:57:49+07:00 octafiani safitri SURYA BAGUS PRAKOSO IIN IRAWATI YESINA INTAN PRATIWI <ul> <li class="show"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td class="s12"> <div> <p class="s6">&nbsp;</p> </div> </td> <td class="s12"> <div> <p class="s11"><span class="s19">Transportation is the lifeblood of everyday life and one of the basic needs of society. Almost everyone needs transportation to meet their needs, such as the need for work, school, recreation and social interaction. The choice of transportation modes in an urban area is now increasingly varied, starting from private or public transportation. Various activities such as government administrative centers, communication centers, industrial centers and trade centers located in the city of Semarang are factors in all people's choices in using modes of transportation. This analysis uses AHP analysis by presenting it in the form of numbers, graphs, tables and narratives. </span><span class="s19">AHP is a method used to rank decision alternatives and to choose the best of several criteria. AHP develops a numerical value to rank each decision alternative, which is based on how far each alternative meets the criteria of the respondent</span><span class="s19">. Based on the data, it can be explained that the most important criteria for respondents to the choice of transportation mode are the time criteria of 96.78%, then the cost criteria of 2.90%, the next for the age criteria of 0.21% and the last for the criteria worker characteristics of 0.01%. Furthermore, the order of priority for selecting the first working mode of transportation is motorbikes at 91.41%, the second is BRT at 8.01% and the last is </span><span class="s19">Angkot</span><span class="s19"> at 0.48%. </span><span class="s19">This study </span><span class="s19">concluded that</span><span class="s19"> based on the results and discussion of this study are as follows: Based on calculations AHP data processing can be explained that the most important criteria for respondents to the selection of work transportation modes are time criteria of 96.78%, then cost criteria of 2.90%, next for age criteria of 0.21% and finally for characteristic criteria workers by 0.01%. After obtaining the results of alternative weights, the priority for choosing the first working mode of transportation is motorbikes at 91.41%, the second is BRT at 8.01% and the last is </span><span class="s19">Angkot</span><span class="s19"> at 0.48%.</span></p> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </li> </ul> 2024-04-05T08:34:32+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Civil Engineering Study