NUsantara Islamic Economic Journal <p>The journal welcomes manuscripts in the various topics including, but not limited to, Islamic economics and business, Islamic banking, finance and accounting, Sukuk, Islamic microfinance, Islamic philanthropy (zakat, waqf, and sadaqah), Supply chain management, Halal industry (foods, products, tourism), Management and Business, Creative economics, Entrepreneurship, Financial Technology, Auditing, and Economic thoughts. By promoting critical discussion on the current issues of these areas, the journal represents an excellent forum for highligthing the profile of economics and business on both national and international levels.&nbsp;</p> Department of Islamic Economic, Faculty of Economic and Business, Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic University (UNISNU) Jepara, Indonesia en-US NUsantara Islamic Economic Journal 2809-6738 The Practice of Debts and Receivables for Basic Materials in Hadith Perspective <p>The research explores the dynamics of Debt and Credit in Pamoroh village. Debt and credit in Islam is a contract in economic transactions that contains the value of ta'awun (helping each other). The practice of debt and credit in this village has aspects that are not in accordance with the pillars of the debt and credit contract, namely, the absence of ijab qobul between the two parties, as well as the provision of prices that can be said to contain elements of usury. The type of research used in this article is empirical law or in other terms called field research. with the type of approach that will be used is the legal sociology approach. The source of data for this research comes from two sources, namely, Primary and Secondary sources. in the practice of accounts payable between the spreader of goods and consumers do not meet directly. The reason for taking consumers is because they already know that the spreader of goods only carries out the mandate of the caregiver of Ponpes</p> <p>M. The payment period is one month. The time period is not based on an agreement. The payment process is that the distributor of goods comes to the consumer's house and collects it. The disadvantage factor lies in the possibility of damaged goods and prices that are too expensive. the practice of accounts payable for staples is not allowed because there is no agreement between the two parties in the provision of the price of the goods but there is an addition when the payment is made, it can be said that there is an element of usury because the price increase is done without any agreement at the beginning. This is called usury Jahiliyah, which is a debt that is paid more than the principal obligation</p> Subhal Jamil Matnin Copyright (c) 2024 NUsantara Islamic Economic Journal 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 3 1 10.34001/nuiej.v3i1.988 MUI fatwa in legitimating government regulations about covid-19 in Indonesia <p>This research aims to analyze the MUI Fatwa in legitimizing Government Regulations in breaking the Covid-19 chain. By using a qualitative approach and using library research, research can examine data related to the object of study being compiled. By using existing research data and literacy studies, the author can conclude that the MUI Fatwa's decision to allow the use of vaccinations and worship procedures during the pandemic is appropriate, as a step to break the chain of spread of Covid-19. This decision was made in order to support government programs through regulations issued to create herd immunity for the community and make the pandemic status endemic.</p> Nur Hasan M. Misbakul Munir Copyright (c) 2024 NUsantara Islamic Economic Journal 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 3 1 10.34001/nuiej.v3i1.798 Analysis of the students enterprise development of Al-Miftah Putri Vocational School through the business center program <p>Al-Miftah Vocational School has a responsibility towards its students to always inspire and motivate them to form a high mindset in entrepreneurship as a manifestation of the application of the learning process that has been undertaken while in the vocational-based school environment in which they are involved. With this goal in mind, the school took the initiative to build a group that would become a forum for exploring the talents and knowledge possessed by female students in the form of business work offering printing and convection businesses. The aim of this research is to determine the talent interest of Al-Miftah Vocational School female students in the business built by the school in order to produce female students who conform to the school's vision, namely creating a competent entrepreneurial mindset. The method in this research is descriptive qualitative with an approach using in-depth interviews and field observations. After more than 5 months of operating in a program called the Business Center, Al-Miftah Putri Vocational School was able to attract consumer interest little by little so that they began to receive orders for the services offered, the management of which was handed over to the female students directly, the school still played a role in it as a trainer, counselor, advisor, and business supervisor.</p> Siti Harizah Copyright (c) 2024 NUsantara Islamic Economic Journal 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 3 1 10.34001/nuiej.v3i1.989 Corporate social responsibility (csr) in the tile factory industry in Tlambah Karang Village, Penang, Sampang <p>Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a social and environmental responsibility that is a company's commitment to participate in sustainable economic development in order to improve the quality of life and a beneficial environment, both for the company itself, the local community and society in general. D Company. Junior Baru is a micro, small and medium enterprise company operating in the roof tile industry that carries out corporate social responsibility (CSR). The purpose of this research is to determine the implementation and results of CSR at UD. Junior Baru Tlambah Karang Penang Sampang. The approach used in this research is a qualitative data analysis method with a case study approach. With the research location at the UD Junior Baru tile factory company. This type of research uses field study research. This type of research uses field study research. This was chosen because this research was carried out by conducting direct research in the field to obtain accurate data. Data collection techniques are: observation, interviews and documentation. The research results provide actual results of the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the roof tile factory industry at UD. Junior Baru in Tlambah Village, Karang Penang District, Sampang Regency, has been implemented, including a Mosque renovation program, providing building materials for Madrasas or schools, and obstacles in implementing corporate social responsibility are the lack of CSR funds and lack of community concern, it has not been running optimally and evenly because it is still It is necessary to improve the responsibilities in company supervision.</p> Fatimah Ridan Muhtadi M Siti Harizah Copyright (c) 2024 NUsantara Islamic Economic Journal 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 3 1 10.34001/nuiej.v3i1.990 Analysis of employee recruitment in supporting performance in the Gipang Singo Mas company <p><em>Recruitment is the company’s first step to get employees who are competent and can make a good contribution to the company. This study aims to find out how the role of employee recruitment is supporting performance at the Gipang Singo Mas company. The research is a qualitative research, by using data collection techniques in the form of interviews, documentation, and literature study. Literature study is a series of activities related to methods of collecting library data, reading and recording, and processing research materials. The sample in this 1 company owner and 4 employees. The results of this study indicate that the Singo Mas braid company uses closed methods in its recruitment activities. Where there are parties who recommend an employee to work in this company. Most of them, these employees are factory employees who have resigned from their jobs. With that, it will make it easier for companies to conduct training, because the employees who enter already have work experience. The role of recruitment greatly affects the company’s performance, where the better the employees produced and this has a significant on company performance</em></p> Efriza Pahlevi Wulandari Aas Ariska Melinda Indrasari Adam Giovanni Copyright (c) 2024 NUsantara Islamic Economic Journal 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 3 1 10.34001/nuiej.v3i1.995 The Influence of Destination Image, Attraction, and Tourist Satisfaction on Revisit Intention <p>This research aims to determine the influence of Destination Image, Attraction, Tourist Satisfaction on Revisit Intention. This type of research is quantitative research and uses primary data obtained from questionnaires, and secondary data obtained from the Jepara Tourism and Culture Office as well as data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). The sample for this research was 100 tourists who had visited the Kali Bening Tourism in Tanjung Village in 2021. The analysis used multiple linear regression analysis which was processed using SPSS version 25. The research results showed that partially the Destination Image variable had no effect, while the Attraction and Tourist Satisfaction variables had an effect on Revisit Intention at the Kali Bening Tourism Destination, Tanjung Jepara Village. Meanwhile, simultaneously, the Influence of Destination Image, Attraction, and Tourist Satisfaction on Revisit Intention at the Kali Bening Tourist Destination, Tanjung Village, Jepara Regency, Indonesia.</p> Mutiara Safira Nurul Komaryatin Copyright (c) 2024 NUsantara Islamic Economic Journal 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 3 1 10.34001/nuiej.v3i1.997