• Nor Wahyono Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara
  • Agus Subhan Akbar Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara
  • Joko Minardi Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara
Keywords: Genetic Algorithms, Fitness function, Optimization, Teaching Scheduling, Cromossom, Crossovers, Mutations


At SMA NU Al Ma'ruf Kudus, the management of the teacher's teaching schedule related to rooms and
classes still use conventional or manual methods and have not fully use computerized processing. Problems that
arise in the beginning of each learning year is the occurrence of a schedule that collides with several students
teacher. Starting from the background of the existing problems, the author designed the System Web-based
information to be implemented for scheduling processing teaching at the NU Al Ma'ruf Kudus High School. In this
study, the Genetic Algorithm method used to build a scheduling information system by completing complex
optimization problems, which are difficult to perform by conventional methods. Results research shows that the
Genetic Algorithm method can be used to build a teaching scheduling system. By generating a different task_ID
consists of subjects and teachers to produce the best fitness values in the shortest time short. From testing by
generating as many as 10 chromosomes and 25 generations the best fitness value = 0.024, time = 126.99
seconds, in the 12th generation.


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