Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Pembiayaan Murabahah pada Jual Beli Motor di BMT Al-Hikmah Semesta Cabang Pecangaan Jepara

  • Resi Levianingrum Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara
Keywords: marketing, murabahah financing, BMT Al-Hikmah Semesta


Motorcycle financing is one of the leading financing products offered at BMT Al Hikmah Semesta Pecangaan branch and is in demand by BMT members, increasing yearly. This study aims to analyze (1) the marketing strategy of Murabahah financing products; (2) The factors that cause BMT Al-Hikmah Semesta Pecangaan Branch members to purchase a motorbike at BMT Al-Hikmah Semesta. This type of research is a field (field research). Primary data sources with interviews with 5 members, marketing, and managers of BMT Al-Hikmah Semesta Pecangaan Branch. The results of the study explain that the marketing strategy of Murabahah financing (buying a motorbike) at BMT Al-Hikmah Semesta Pecangaan Branch uses prospecting, approaching, presentation, handling objection, closing deals. The factors that caused BMT Al-Hikmah Semesta Pecangaan Branch members to purchase a motorcycle at BMT Al-Hikmah were discounts, no kifarat, precise goods, transparent transactions, and can be represented.
