Peer Review Process
Submitted papers will go through a rigorous peer review process to ensure that published articles are of standard quality and in accordance with scientific principles. Before entering the peer review process, the manuscripts will be screened first by the editor. At this stage there are two decisions. The editor can immediately reject the article if the article is not within the scope of the journal or below the quality standards.
Each manuscript will be reviewed by independent reviewers. Differential journals use a 'single blind' review process: authors are not told who reviewed their paper, and peer reviewers are aware of the authors.
Peer reviewers are asked to evaluate the paper and give their opinion on it. Peer reviewers are asked to assess the originality, and quality of the article (methodology and results). All relevant information will be forwarded to the author.
The final decision to accept or reject the paper and the recommendation to the author rests with the individual editor responsible for the evaluation of the paper.