• Alzena Dona Sabilla Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara
  • Ahmad Taufiq Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara
Keywords: algorithm A*, shortest route, GIS


Geographic information systems have been able to solve routing problems such as TSP (Travelling Salesman Problems) or finding the closest route. GIS has developed a lot into GIS applications, both in the form of desktop, web, and mobile. This research develops a webGIS application that can provide a solution for tourists who have difficulty reaching a furniture showroom in Jepara City. The method used is the A* algorithm. The algorithm can calculate existing nodes through heuristic calculations. Data from google maps are converted into a grid form, then calculations are carried out. This research produces an alternative shortest route, while the accuracy of Google Maps road data affects the displayed route search.


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