SPAL and IPAL Development Planning for Environmental Quality Improvement in the Crab Industry in Bulu Village

  • Agum Wahyu Prasetya Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara
  • Decky Rochmanto Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara
  • Nor Hidayati Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara
Keywords: SPAL, IPAL, RAB


Waste in the Rajungan Industry, Bulu Village, Jepara Regency cannot be

managed properly because this industry does not yet have SPAL and IPAL.

Liquid waste resulting from industrial processing is channeled directly into

the sea, causing marine pollution. The planning objective of this final

assignment is to determine the design of the SPAL and IPAL as well as the

RAB needed in the planned SPAL and IPAL construction work in the Bulu

Village crab industry. The results of this technical research show that the

average amount of waste water produced during the processing process per day

is 0.51 m3/day or 507.5 liters/day or 0.02 m3/hour. The appropriate processing

system to be applied in the crab industry is using an anaerobic filter system

with five processing units, namely oil and fat separation tank, equalization

tank, initial settling tank, anaerobic filter and final settling tank. Based on the

calculation of the total planning costs for SPAL and IPAL KUB. The Blessing

of Samudra Rajungan Jepara in Bulu Village is IDR. 56,500,000.


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