JOURNAL PROFILE Journal title: Jurnal Civil Engineering Study |
Jurnal Civil Engineering Study (Jurnal CES) contains writings about applications in the field of Civil Engineering. The scope of this journal includes all branches of civil engineering, be they structural, geotechnical, construction management, hydrology, transportation, and civil engineering informatics. So the scope of this journal is not only about the business of building a building project, but also makes it possible to model a shape with the help of software.
Jurnal CES is published by Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara (Unisnu Jepara). Jurnal CES starts publication in March 2021. Jurnal CES is an open access journal, which means that all contents are freely available without charge to the user or his or her institution (read more). This journal is published biannually (March and October).