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The submission of the INFORMATIKA ENGINEERING Journal manuscript is carried out through JTINFO Online. Furthermore, for information/notification of revision, acceptance or rejection of the manuscript is sent via email.
Instructions for Authors / Online Manuscript Submission or as a Journal Reader:
1. Visitors are required to have a "user name" by first (clicking) "register" and creating a (own) password in order to enter/access to JTINFO and fill out a complete profile. Authors need to 'Register' with JTINFO before submitting their Manuscripts. However, if you are already registered, then do the login step and start the five-step process of entering the script.
2. Starting a New Manuscript Submission
Click Here Go to the first of the five-step submission process. Step 1. Starting Manuscript Submission
(1) Start; (2) Upload Manuscript; (3) Enter Metadata (4) Upload Additional Files; (5) Confirm
3. "Login" is required for 'Readers' who want a complete manuscript that can be downloaded in PDF or writers who wish to submit a manuscript and can check the status of the submitted manuscript until it is published, while information on the reviewed manuscript will be notified via email;
4. If you only want to search or view the contents of the journal, both names or manuscripts that have been published in JTINFO, please select the 'LOOK' menu.
Authors who wish to submit manuscripts should pay attention to the points below. If the manuscript does not meet the stated requirements, there is a possibility that the manuscript will be returned.
1. Articles must be original and in the form of field research results or conceptual ideas, related to social and development; and the article is not in the process of submitting publication in other journals and has never been published in proceedings and or other scientific journals.
2. Articles are written in Indonesian, in accordance with the applicable rules of language use. Articles are typed with 1 (one) space on A4 paper using a word processing program MS-Word for Windows, using 10pt “Arial” letters, without hard-hyphenation, and a maximum of 12 pages.
3. The title of the article is written specifically and effectively, no more than 12 words. With a size of 16pt The author's identity is written with the full name and does not include the title. Include the affiliation/institutional address and the author's email address according to the example below:
1) Nur Aeni Widiastuti, 2) Akhmad Khanif Zyen, and 3) Nadia Annisa Maori
1) Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic University, nuraeniwidiastudi@unisnu.ac.id
2) Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic University, khanif@unisnu.ac.id
3) Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic University, nadia@unisnu.ac.id
4. The article is accompanied by an abstract in English, each containing 150 to 250 words, accompanied by 3 to 5 keywords.
5. Manuscripts are made in the form of 2 (two) columns, except for the main title, author's name and abstract.
6. The systematics of writing the INFORMATIKA Journal, as follows:
• In writing articles, avoid using dot points, alphabetizing, or numbering as in the following examples:
1. .........................
2. .........................
But it is written in a series of sentences, as follows: (1) ….; (2) ….
Articles are written in essay form, so there is no numeric (or alphabetical) format that separates chapters/sections, or to mark new chapters/sections; Conclusions are not detailed in bullet points, but in the form of paragraphs.
7. Each citation must mention the most up-to-date library source in full and written with a running note system, for example:
... this is also stated by Alamsyah (2015) that the three powers must be divided in such a way that they are separated from the others.
..."Globalization that leads to homogenization" (Ramdhani, 2012).
The bibliography is preferably published in the last five years, compiled using the APA Style system (APA Style Guide), using alphabetical order. For each reference source, the bibliography is written as follows:
8. For Table writing
Tables are numbered (1, 2, and so on) according to the order in the main text. Each table is given a short title that explains the relevance of the contents in the main text, and is written above the table in bold.
For Image writing
Each illustration, whether diagrammatic or photographic, can be included in the drawing and numbered sequentially (1, 2, etc.). Each image is given a short title that explains the relevance of the content in the main text, and is written at the bottom of the diagram or photo in italics.
9. Authors must cite relevant articles from International Journals / National Journals / Proceedings of at least 15 citations as references.
10. The submitted manuscript will be peer reviewed (blind reviewer), by 2 (two) reviewers. The results of the review are submitted via email and OJS.
11. Manuscripts that have been peer reviewed and declared fit for publication, must submit plagiarism-free proof
12. Accepted manuscripts are subject to a fee, and authors are entitled to an online version.
13. To make it easier to write articles, please use the Article Templates that have been provided
Authors who wish to submit manuscripts should pay attention to the points below. If the manuscript does not meet the stated requirements, there is a possibility that the manuscript will be returned.
1. The submission has not been previously published, or is under consideration by another journal (or an explanation has not been provided in comments to the editor).
2. Script file in Microsoft Word document file format
3. When available, URLs for reference are provided.
4. 1 spaced text; fonts 12; italic; not underlined (except URL address); and all illustrations, figures, and tables placed in the text at appropriate points, not at the end.
5. Text that complies with library and style requirements is outlined in the Author's Manual, which will be found on the About Us page.
6. If acceptance is for the peer-reviewed portion of the journal, the instructions can be found under Ensure Anonymous Reviewers have been followed.
Penulis yang menerbitkan dengan jurnal ini menyetujui persyaratan berikut:
Semua materi yang terkandung di situs ini dilindungi oleh hukum. Dilarang mengutip sebagian atau seluruh isi website ini untuk tujuan komersial tanpa persetujuan dewan redaksi jurnal ini.
Jika Anda menemukan satu atau beberapa artikel yang terdapat dalam Jurnal Teknik Informatika yang melanggar atau berpotensi melanggar hak cipta Anda, harap laporkan kepada kami, melalui email ke Kontak.
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Semua informasi yang dimuat dalam Jurnal Teknik Informatika adalah akademik. JTINFO tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian yang timbul akibat penyalahgunaan informasi dari situs ini
Jurnal Teknik Informatika dilisensikan di bawah Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Penerbitan Jurnal TEKNIK INFORMATIKA Vol. 2, No. 2 Juli 2023
Menerima artikel sampai akhir Juli 2023 untuk publikasi di Jurnal INFORMATIKA Vol. 2, No. 2 Juli 2022
Artikel yang diterima dan memenuhi persyaratan akan dipublish pada OJS Jurnal Teknik Informatika
Journal of Informatics Engineering e-mail: jtinto@unisnu.ac.id |
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