• Mukhammad Nur Kholis
  • Nadia Annisa Maori UNISNU Jepara
Keywords: Covid-19, IPA, Educational Games, Grapple Method, Construct 2


Currently the world is experiencing an outbreak of a disease caused by the corona virus or Covid-19 (Coronavirus Diseases-19). WHO has declared Covid-19 as a pandemic that is troubling the whole world. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the world of education. Educators implement online schools to ensure students can continue learning at home. Based on the results of observations and interviews at MI Miftahul Huda Dongos, the implementation of online learning is considered less effective, because it causes boredom and boredom, especially in natural science (IPA) subjects. Too much material also causes students to be lazy to study the material, so students are less motivated and enthusiastic to learn science. Based on the above problems, the researcher aims to design a science educational game, namely a learning game while playing and made with the Construct 2 application using the GRAPPLE method. Educational games are designed with the aim of increasing motivation and enthusiasm for students to learn science subjects. This game is called Earthquake (Science Educational Game). This application has been tested by material experts with 100% results, 100% media experts and 93.14% respondents, which means this application is very feasible to use. The result of this research is the application of “Earthquake” (Science Educational Game) to provide knowledge about the function of human organs.


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How to Cite
Kholis, M. N., & Annisa Maori, N. (2022). GAME EDUKASI SEBAGAI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN IPA KELAS V DI MI MIFTAHUL HUDA DONGOS. JTINFO : Jurnal Teknik Informatika , 1(1), 45-50.