• Putri Maisaroh
  • Teguh Tamrin UNISNU Jepara
Keywords: Posbindu, PTM, CodeIgniter Framework, RAD


Health is a very valuable asset for human life, therefore it is important to detect disease as early as possible in maintaining health. The Integrated Non-Communicable Diseases Development Post (Posbindu PTM) is one of the efforts implemented by the government to reduce the number of NCD sufferers by providing services to check health, especially detecting non-communicable diseases. Posbindu PTM Langon Village is a form of service that involves community participation to detect and control early risk factors for PTM in an integrated manner which is located in Langon Village, Tahunan District, Jepara Regency. In its service, it still uses the manual method, namely using paper or books as data storage media. In this service, there are still several obstacles, namely officers often find it difficult to find periodic patient data and there is no data backup so that it is vulnerable to data loss. Thus, an idea emerged to overcome this problem, namely the researcher designed the Integrated Guidance Post application using the Codeigniter framework with the RAD (Rapid Application Development) development method which can make it easier for users to record patient examination results, so that the spread of disease can be handled quickly, and also as a means of for health services in Langon village. The results of the study were obtained by the application of the Integrated Guidance Post as a medium for recording health reports. Can facilitate public health services in Langon Village.


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How to Cite
Maisaroh, P., & Tamrin, T. (2022). PENERAPAN APLIKASI POS PEMBINAAN TERPADU MENGGUNAKAN CODEIGNITER DI DESA LANGON . JTINFO : Jurnal Teknik Informatika , 1(1), 74-80.