• Ulul Arkham
  • Adi Sucipto
Keywords: Augmented Reality, Android, Kartini, History of R.A. Kartini, Museum, Education, Interactive, Jepara


R.A. Kartini is one of Indonesia's heroes who fights for the rights and emancipation of women. Jepara has the Raden Ajeng Kartini Museum, the Museum is a place for historical education, which in conveying information using goods, photos and writing as descriptions, the Museum carries out promotions through online media, and websites and brochures by involving visitors or tourists, online media and brochures it provides information about the RA. Museum Kartini specifically. However, information on social media and brochures that are not actual because they are temporary are also often changed which causes no feedback or only one direction where visitors or tourists only read and observe. So, the history of R.A. Kartini as an inspiration for women was not clearly conveyed to the public. So, from these problems we need an application of historical media promotion of R.A. An interactive Kartini who can convey the history of R.A. Kartini directly to the public or visitors at the Kartini Museum and was able to attract public interest to commemorate the history of R.A. Kartini, therefore the researcher wants to create a promotional media application using Android-Based Augmented Reality. The application development method used in this research is RAD (Rapid Application Development) using UML (Unified Modeling Language) Modeling. The results of this Augmented Reality application can display a short history audio video of R.A. Kartini from Childhood, Youth, and Adulthood. this app needs to add a video about the R.A. Museum. Kartini, not only the history of R.A. Kartini only and more varied markers.


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