Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Keuangan Pondok Pesantren Putri Al-Muqoddasah Kudus Berbasis Responsive Web Design Menggunakan Notifikasi Whatsapp
Al-Muqoddasah Islamic Boarding School is one of the Islamic educational institutions in Kudus. Financial management that still uses a manual system by recording in books or paper documents, which results in a buildup of documents that cause difficulty in finding data on students who will make payments, financial reports that are less accurate both in terms of data collection and total nominal. Lack of trust from parents towards the pesantren because of the lack of transparent management of pesantren finances. Observing the existing obstacles, the author makes an Information System for Financial Management of the Al- Muqoddasah Kudus Islamic Boarding School Based on Responsive Web Design Using Whatsapp Notifications so that it can make it easier for administrators to carry out financial management both from payment of pesantren fees, income and expenditure of funds and can minimize data redundancy and provide information to student guardians using payment delinquency reminder messages. Waterfall system development method. Information system design used Unified Modeling Language (UML) which is expected to produce a new system design that is better and can solve the problems that exist in the boarding school.
Keywords: Information System, Boarding School, Financial Management, Responsive Web Design
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