• Sarwido UNISNU Jepara
  • Gentur Wahyu Nyipto Wibowo UNISNU Jepara
  • Mohammad Abdul Manan UNISNU Jepara
Keywords: Naive Bayes Algorithm, Hereregistration, UNISNU Jepara.


Admission of new students is an important activity for universities to obtain new students. In the admission of new students, it is often the case that registration is not carried out by the registrant. This also happened in the admission of new students at UNISNU Jepara. Universities don't yet have a way of knowing whether a prospective new student is likely to enroll or not. Based on these problems, the Naive Bayes algorithm is applied to predict whether prospective new students are likely to register or not. The dataset used in this study was taken from PMB data for 2019-2020. The initial dataset obtained was 3,969 records with 18 (eighteen) attributes. Then pre-processing the data is carried out so that the dataset to be used becomes 2,853 records with 14 (fourteen) attributes with details of 1 (one) ID attribute, namely name, 12 (twelve) regular attributes, namely year of registration, class program, gender, age. , study program, city of origin, father's occupation, mother's occupation, parent's income, home school major, National Examination scores, registration information, and 1 (one) class attribute, namely the status of hereditary. The dataset is processed using the Naive Bayes algorithm and tested using a confusion matrix and ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve using RapidMinner tools. Obtained an accuracy value of 92.67% and an AUC (Area Under Curve) value of 0.841 which is categorized as a good classification.


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How to Cite
Sarwido, Nyipto Wibowo, G. W., & Manan, M. A. (2022). PENERAPAN ALGORITMA NAIVE BAYES UNTUK PREDIKSI HEREGISTRASI CALON MAHASISWA BARU. JTINFO : Jurnal Teknik Informatika , 1(1), 1-10.