• Ahmad Hasan Syaifuddin
  • Buang Budi Wahono UNISNU Jepara
Keywords: Grapple, Android Webview, PHP, Java, Salt Supply Application, UML


Salt is a basic human need besides being one of the strategic commodities, salt is also used as an industrial raw material. Central Java is one of the provinces on the island of Java which has contributed to the fulfillment of national salt. There are several salt producing districts, one of which is Jepara district which is concentrated in Kedung District. Salt farmers in Kedung sub-district are experiencing problems in the process of managing salt supplies, namely in collecting salt supply data manually. In this way it will definitely take a lot of time and effort. To solve the problem of salt supply in Kedung Jepara District, researchers created an android-based salt supply application. The system development method used is the Guidelines for Rapid Application Engineering (GRAPPLE) with UML (Unified Modeling Language) modeling notation and PHP and Java as programming languages. The results of this application can help manage salt supplies or stocks up to information on the geographic location of salt supply providers in Kedung Jepara District and detailed profiles of salt supply industry players.


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How to Cite
Syaifuddin, A. H., & Wahono, B. B. (2022). APLIKASI PERSEDIAAN GARAM BERBASIS ANDROID DI KEDUNG JEPARA. JTINFO : Jurnal Teknik Informatika , 1(1), 24-30. https://doi.org/10.02220/jtinfo.v1i1.148