A Website-Based Geographic Information System for Mapping Land in Pecangaan Kulon Village

Keywords: Geographic Information System, QGIS, Folium-Python


In the current age of technology development, the demand for information is constantly growing. Information is obtained by giving meaning to data and has a specific significance. In our daily lives, we are surrounded by information from various sources such as people, television, radio, newspapers, and other media. All of these sources are crucial in providing insights and knowledge, and can also help reduce the risk of failure in decision-making. This journal aims to develop a web-based Geographic Information System (GIS) for mapping the land in Pecangaan Kulon Village. The primary purpose of this mapping is to identify the potential of the village, such as its agricultural or fishing prospects, and other possibilities. The website will be developed using the Python programming language and Flask framework, and the mapping will be performed using the QGIS software.


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How to Cite
Mulyo, H., & Sucipto, A. (2023). A Website-Based Geographic Information System for Mapping Land in Pecangaan Kulon Village. JTINFO : Jurnal Teknik Informatika , 2(1), 8-23. https://doi.org/10.02220/jtinfo.v2i1.481