Aims & Scope


Small, medium and large businesses require integrated management from various fields such as finance, marketing, human resources, operational and good governance, which are expected to improve business competitiveness. Therefore, Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship Research over to who have manuscripts focused on finance, marketing, human resources, business operations, corporate governance, small and medium enterprises as well as entrepreneurship related to micro, meso, and macro phenomena. All reports correspond to the development, engineering, and implementation of all types of businesses. Only articles with contributions will be published.


JMER invites researchers to contribute ideas on the main scope related to emerging management and entrepreneurship issues, including financial issues, marketing issues, human resource management issues, operation management issues, entrepreneurship issues, and corporate governance issues.

Finance Issues

Scopes related to: Corporate finance, Banking, Venture capital, Behavioural finance, Financial innovation, Financial Technology, Capital Market, Financial Market, Derivative, Risk, and Performance.

Marketing Issues

Scopes related to: Digital marketing, Business-to-business marketing, Cross-cultural management/marketing and cross-disciplinary business, Marketing of innovations, Marketing capability, Marketing-entrepreneurship interface, Market responsiveness, Emerging market exporting firms, Marketing standardization, Marketing adaptation, International marketing, Service marketing, Green marketing, Customer experience management.

Human Resource Management Issues

Scopes related to: Knowledge management, Retention, Recruitment, HR trends report, Productivity, Training and compliance, Health and safety, Discrimination and diversity, Discipline, Outsourcing, Payroll, Employee querie.

Operation Management Issues

Scopes related to: Industrial engineering/management, Supply chain/logistics management, Managing overheads, Monitoring performance, Listening to feedback, Responding to competition, Regulation and compliance, Uncertainty, Cyber risks, License grant, Selection of strategy in production, Priority product selection, Initial product planning, Making prototypes to test, Finished product implementation.

Entrepreneurship Issues

Scopes related to: SMEs and entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurship/corporate venturing, Entrepreneurship, New business incubators, Networks, Strategic cooperation among SMEs, Innovation and technopreneurship, Entrepreneurial marketing innovation, Entrepreneurial intention, Hiring employees, Time management, Delegating tasks, Choosing what to sell, Marketing strategy, Capital, Strapped budget, Business growth.

Corporate Governance Issues

Scopes related to: Business/organizational communication, Business ethics, Values, Social responsibility, Corporate governance and strategy, Mergers and acquisitions with regard to sustainable development, Environmental challenges, Organizational innovation, Reputational damage.

 Recent literature related to journal scope

You can click on the following tags to find out the progress of the discussion about your selected topic:
Agency theory, Board structure, Overnight returns, Mergers and acquisitions, CEO social network, Cash holdings, Investment funds, Shadow banking, Technology acceptance model, Credit growth, Non-performing loans, Bank complexity, Financial stability, Initial public offerings, Market concentration, Venture capital, Banking competition, Cost stickiness, Microfinance, Asset and liability management (ALM), Banking regulation, Bank efficiency, Market power, Capitalization, Financial freedom, CEO experience, Corporate social responsibility, Financial performance, Financial inclusion, Bank quality, Corporate governance mechanism, Financial structures, Loan loss provision, Firm size, Deposit insurance, Equity returns, Financial behaviour, Efficient market hypothesis, Investment psychology, SMEs, Corporate behavioral, Dividend financing, Investor confidence, Dividend policy, Investment, Portfolio management, Corporate financing decisions, Financial innovation, Technological advancement business, Green innovation efficiency, Consumer behavior, Stock index, Institutional environments, Financial literacy, Financial constraints, Business technological innovation, Islamic financial institutions, Financial engineering, Access to finance, Risk tolerance, Fintech, Smartphone payments, Credit default swaps, Digital banking, P2P lending, Mutual funds, Corporate diversification, Environmental performance, Firm sustainability, Risk management, Internet finance, Resource-based theory, Signal Theory, Liquidity, Perceived financial risk, Interactive marketing, Mobile marketing, E-marketing, E-word-of-mouth, Social media marketing, Advertising adoption, Competitive intensity, Commercialization, Marketing mix, Marketing skills, Marketing performance, Orientation marketing capability, Affinity marketing, Business-to-business services marketing, Knowledge management, Customer retention, Recruitment, HR trends report, Productivity, Training and compliance, Corporate health and safety, Employee diversity, Employee discipline, Work enviroment, Industrial engineering/management, Supply chain/logistics management, Human capital performance, Marketing intelligence, Regulation and compliance, Production strategy, Product selection, Initial product planning, Finished product, Entrepreneurship orientation, Intrapreneurship, Technopreneurship, Marketing innovation, Entrepreneurial intention, Hiring employees, Marketing strategy, Business growth, Business communication, Business ethics, Product reputation, Brand image, Crowdfunding, Operational efficiency, Firm's leverage decisions, Investment opportunity set, CEO compensation, Corporate performance, Credit scoring, Green finance, Sukuk, Islamic debt, Ownership, Customer engagement, Customer experience, Employee job satisfaction, Value creation in e-business, Customer-based brand equity, Bank capital buffer, Consumer purchase intention, Customer satisfaction, Workplace spirituality, Job crafting, Work overload, Financial well-being, Stock market derivative, Stock price crash risk